Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

General practice plays a vital role in supporting patients to reduce their risk factors for chronic disease. Many chronic conditions share common modifiable risk factors such as tobacco use, high body mass, harmful use of alcohol, physical inactivity, poor nutrition and high blood pressure (COAG, 2017). The Australian Burden of Disease Study suggests that more than 1/3 of chronic disease burden was preventable and due to modifiable risk factors (AIHW 2015).

A lifestyle modification initiative to be supported by CHN is the Change Program.

The Change Program is a GP-delivered weight management program for adults in primary care based on the current Australian guidelines. The Change Program was developed by a group of clinical GPs at the Australian National University in collaboration with clinical GPs, consumer representatives and allied health practitioners. The program aims to implement the current guidelines on client-centred obesity management in the primary care setting. It uses worksheets and factsheets to promote self-management strategies to improve nutrition, increase physical activity and provide support with psychological and behavioural strategies. GPs are reimbursed for their time in delivering this program through the usual MBS item numbers for GP consultations with patients.

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