One of the 9 key priority areas of CHN is workforce, which includes supporting Practice Nurses to continue to play a key role in primary health care. To provide ongoing support and opportunities for Practice Nurses, CHN has implemented initiatives aimed to ensure that the ACT has a skilled, capable and productive workforce to ensure delivery of safe and quality health care.
CHN supported workforce recruitment with 9 Practice Nurse positions advertised on our website over the last year. CHN delivered educational events for Practice Nurses, covering topics such as chronic disease management, immunisation and baby checks. To address information requests and clinical audit tool training to support their quality improvement activities, CHN actively engaged with Practice Nurses.
“Thank you for the links you provided, that’s very helpful and insightful. This gives me heaps of options to check. Appreciate it, thanks again.” Practice Nurse
Since 2022, CHN has supported 32 Practice Nurses to secure a scholarship to complete SA Health’s Understanding Vaccines and the National Immunisation Program, with the final 2 Nurses being certified in the last year.
Our ongoing collaboration with the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) has also allowed promotion of programs and opportunities, such as their student Nurse placements in primary care through our newsletters. The partnership with APNA has enabled CHN to support Practice Nurses through the Transition to Practice Program (TPP), with 11 Nurses completing the program in October 2023 and a further 7 Nurses still undertaking the course. A popular component of TPP is the mentorship provided to participants by experienced Primary Care Nurses.

“The TPP team has always been a wonderful resource, I have never been left on my own and have appreciated their advice or guidance when I have needed this. The resources provided on mentorloop, and the education on APNA have been very valuable.” TPP Nurse
“I have found the one-on-one mentoring extremely valuable, not only in my skills development, but also in knowing that there is someone outside of work who can help support me, someone who is actively rooting for me to continue my development.” TPP Nurse
“My mentor has encouraged me to think outside the box, and this has positively my abilities to gather and analyse data and lead a team. The quality improvement mechanisms taught in the program have allowed me to contribute to the implementation of services that use an innovative, collaborative and holistic approach with their patients.” TPP Nurse
“Before commencing the program, I had minimal confidence with mentoring and providing feedback (particularly when focused on a need for improvement). Completing the program has allowed me to develop my mentoring and leadership skills, which has increased my confidence in mentoring either in the program, colleagues or student nurses I work with in the future. I feel this skill development will also support my role as lead nurse.” TPP Mentor