Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

The Medicare Benefits Schedule defines after hours consultations as follows: 

After hours consultations, in the practice: 

  • Monday to Friday – before 8am or after 8pm 
  • Saturday – before 8am or after 1pm 
  • Sunday and public holidays – all day 

After hours consultations, if the condition requires urgent assessment and the attendance requires the practitioner to open the consulting rooms, or in a Residential Aged Care Home (RACH), or an attendance other than consulting rooms/hospital or RACH: 

  • Monday to Friday – before 8am or after 6pm 
  • Saturday – before 8am or after 12pm 
  • Sunday and public holidays – all day 

Unsociable hours are 11pm to 7am, but the patient must require urgent medical care to use the item numbers related to unsociable hours.