Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

The impact of the bushfires and COVID-19 led to shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) both here in the ACT and on a national scale. This had an immediate impact on general practice with local supplies quickly exhausted and the Commonwealth released PPE from the National Medical Stockpile (NMS) for PHNs to distribute based on established criteria.

As part of this response, CHN has delivered almost 140,000 items of PPE to general practice which included surgical masks, P2 masks, gowns, eye frames, eye lenses and goggles. The team has also delivered over 48,500 items of PPE to the three GP Respiratory Clinics (Commonwealth Vaccination Clinics). To support allied health, CHN delivered 19,500 surgical masks to pharmacies and 1,750 surgical masks to other allied health professionals.

CHN managed the order of PPE through a web form and allocated PPE according to demand, available supply and practice size. The team also managed the logistics required to supply these across the ACT.
