Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

Aged care is one of the nine key priority areas for CHN. In the last year, CHN commissioned the University of Canberra to provide the Pharmacists in Residential Aged Care Facilities Program.

With an ever-growing aging population, aged care is a health priority for the ACT region. CHN, ACT’s PHN commissioned the University of Canberra (UC) to trial the Pharmacists in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF) Program. Embedding pharmacists into RACFs provides a collaborative service with pharmacists working with residents and their families, RACF staff, nurses, community pharmacists and other health professionals involved in the care of the resident.

To improve resident’s quality of life the program aims to:

  • reduce inappropriate antipsychotic medication use
  • reduce chemical and physical restraints
  • improve collaboration between RACF staff, prescribers (GPs, specialists, geriatricians, Nurse Practitioners), residents and families
  • reduce unplanned emergency department (ED) and hospital presentations
  • reduce falls of residents
  • increase flu vaccinations of staff.

Phase one involved 15 facilities in a randomised control trial to test the effectiveness of embedding pharmacists into RACFs. Positive feedback has been received from the facilities. The second phase of implementation will begin in 2021 and include a pharmacist on site for all control RACF involved in Phase 1 and new RACF (who did not participate in Phase 1) that express interest. All RACFs in ACT will be provided with the opportunity to participate in both phases. CHN has convened a Project Governance Group to ensure that the program is safe, high quality and appropriate.
