Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

Supporting Practice Nurses within general practice is a crucial focus of CHN. Over the last year, CHN continued this support by providing relevant and timely information and education to Practice Nurses and hosting CHN’s Practice Nurse Network Meetings.

CHN supports nurses who are new practitioners or those who are new to general practice. CHN inducted nine nurses new to general practice and 12 graduates in general practice. Ongoing support for nurses currently working in the field continued with over 500 engagements with Practice Nurses in the last year. These engagements included topics such as an introduction to general practice, MBS billing, accreditation, cold chain management and immunisation. CHN supported 11 practices through accreditation.

Regular and well-attended Practice Nurse Network Meetings provided information about identified areas of need, including vaccine and cold chain management, asthma and bushfires, MBS billing, meningococcal and digital health, to name a few.

Olivia Eldridge, Practice Nurse and Practice Manger, Kingston Foreshore Medical Centre
